MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo
MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo

We develop software solutions that make it easy to use the full power of robotic additive manufacturing.

With the MetalWorm Offline Programme, you can:

Verify production methodology with simulation

Minimize pre-process preparation time

Check pre-production, consumables requirements and lead time

Perform tool path planning easily and quickly without expertise

Properties of the
MetalWorm Offline

Process Calibration

Various process parameters, including wire feed speed, torch travel speed, current, and voltage, can be adjusted to deposit geometries with the given wall width and height while maximizing deposition efficiency.

Process Parameter Library

It possesses a library of WAAM process parameters that can yield suitable mechanical and metallurgical qualities.

Robot & Process Simulation

Execute simulations of part production using robot arms from ABB, Kuka, and Fanuc with resolved external axes kinematics.

External Axis Support

It has interpolation techniques for gantry, slider, and positioner systems in different axes.

Customize Robot

ABB Rapid, Kuka KRL, Fanuc LS, or G Code can all be used to create bespoke robot programs.

Multi-axis Tool Path Planning

Different tool path techniques, including multi-planar slicing, non-planar, angular, b-spline, radial, conical, and rotational surfaces, can be created.

Tool Path Planning by Region

The part’s performance, weight, and printing capabilities can be enhanced by creating multiple tool path techniques in distinct regions

Tool Path Orientation Adjustment

The tool path orientation can be built and improved based on the part geometry.

Flexible 3D Model Support

Common network-based file formats such as STL, OBJ, 3MF, GLTF, STEP as well as Parasolid are supported.

Mesh Operations

Isotropic and non-isotropic balance, boolean operations, and automatic repair.

Collision Detection

Detecting collisions between static and moving elements while printing.

Process Traceability

It is possible to keep track of and document the entire printing process.

MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo


MetalWorm Software, WAAM Software, WAAM Digital Twin, Real Time Process Monitoring
MetalWorm Software, WAAM Software, WAAM Digital Twin, Real Time Process Monitoring
MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo



Collects sensor and process data in real time and saves them in local database.

Process and
Sensors Data

Uses process and sensor data, such as welding current, welding voltage, wire feed speed, torch travel speed, gas flow rate, temperature, humidity, and oxygen, to perform process-oriented calculations.

Real Time

Enhances the process’s traceability with real-time visualizations.

3D Graphs

Provides 3D images both during and after part creation, and uses the data gathered to produce a 3D color map.

Data Export

Collected data can be exported for more in-depth analysis.

Audio and
Visual Alerts

Based on user limits and process parameter deviations, provides both auditory and visual warnings. The log stores all received alerts.


Provides an interactive report for each manufactured item that includes extensive process data as well as a view of the production quality.

System Errors
and Warnings

Provides system problems and warnings to the operator. On the instrument panel, the pertinent welding robot system problem codes are presented to facilitate quick progress.

Event Log

Records every event that occurs in the system, including errors, warnings, and alarms, in detail.


The condition of the cell, the robotic system, and the safety apparatus can be monitored.

Integrated CCTV

Cameras mounted in the robotic system at different angles can be used to monitor the system.


All information is recorded and made available to your business for full traceability by integrating with existing ERP/MES systems.

MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo

Control Software

Temperature Control

The operation continues automatically after the predetermined temperature setting is reached.

In-situ Active Heat Input Control

The wire feed and torch travel speed settings are continuously optimized to ensure a steady heat input.

Real Time Geometry Control

Utilizing sensors such as a 3D camera, profilometer, and interferometer, it evaluates the layer that has been generated during production and modifies the toolpath for the following layer as necessary.

Arc Voltage Control

During the procedure, the height difference between the torch and the part is detected by the arc voltage control software, which then permits the robot to operate at the modified height.

Thermal Monitoring and Control

Controls the torch travel speed based on melt pool width and temperature distribution.

MetalWorm Additive Manufacturing Technologies Logo

Machine Vision

Non Stop Production

Without interrupting the robotic system, operators may consistently keep an eye on the material inputs and maintain perfect conditions throughout the process.


Melt Pool Geometry

Image processing and machine vision techniques can be used to track the size and shape of the melt pool.


Process Monitoring

Videos of welding operations can be archived and examined offline to spot production problems and conduct necessary failure analyses.


MetalWorm Software, WAAM Software, WAAM Digital Twin, Real Time Process Monitoring, Melt pool monitoring

Real Time Monitoring

Thermal welding Camera allows for real-time viewing of the melt pool, arc, and metal droplet transfer. This provides data on welding defects, spatters, melt pool, and welding bead stability.


HDR Camera

With its thermal welding camera capable of 120+ dB HDR in the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) spectrum, it provides advanced imaging of metal joining processes beyond the visible, using standard thermal or visible light cameras. This thermal camera provides thermal imaging in the range of 350-1800°C.


Sensor Fusion and Anomaly
Detection in WAAM Processes

The Ambient Conditions Inside The Cell are Monitored by Various Sensors

Temperature, Humidity Sensor

Vibration Sensor

Gas Sensor

Oxygen Sensor

Process Monitoring Sensors

Welding Current Sensor

Welding Voltage Sensor

Gas Flow Sensor



Interferometric Sensor


Thermal Welding Camera

3D Camera

By synchronizing with the timestamp, data from different sensors and robot coordinates are recorded in the database.

These data are employed in process control, process improvement, process monitoring, and process anomaly detection.

Deep learning and machine learning algorithms are used to process the gathered data.

Our goal is to create closed loop control techniques employing this data without human involvement.

Important information about process quality and detects may be found in the statistical data and characteristics derived from the sensors data.

Weld penetration, poor gas flow, and the distance from the torch to the melt pool all affect welding current and voltage fluctuations.

The stability of the welding process may be directly correlated with welding noise, which can also be utilized to spot detect anomalies.

Metal droplet transfer, melt pool temperature distribution, and shape can all be immediately monitored with the thermal welding camera.

The geometric precision of the produced item may be examined using a profilometer, an interferometric sensor, and a 3D camera.